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reader comments: T. Lopsang Rampa
I came in contact with Dr. Rampa's books way back in 1970. Since then I have studied all his 19 books and followed his practical teachings. I had wonderful spiritual experiences and have advanced considerably. All the credit goes to the great sage T. Lobsang Rampa. All his books are filled with authentic knowledge which could only come from a highly evolved soul. Through your site I wish to inform others that if you want speedy spiritual development then throw away all wrong prejudice created by skeptics, mostly of the press, and study and practice Dr Rampa's teachings.
My regards.
Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar
reply: I do not doubt that you and many others have found spiritual succor in the teachings of Mr. Hoskin who claimed to channel the words of a dead Tibetan lama. Nor do I doubt that Hoskin's words are as enlightening as those of many other spiritual teachers and prophets whose influence extends much farther than his. But I have two problems with your sage. One, I and many others have no interest in spiritual development, as we consider the realm of spirits to be delusional, fictional, and destructive. We believe that this life is the only life you get and that it is a waste of time to spend any of it fretting about an imaginary life after death. We consider ourselves fortunate to exist in such a grand universe and wish to know and understand as much of it as we can in the time we have here. It follows, of course, that we consider the idea ridiculous that the spirit of a dead lama took over the body of a living man. And two, Mr. Hoskin's accounts of Tibet are not accurate and that inaccuracy demonstrates that he didn't even try to be authentic. He didn't need to. The fact that he published 19 books does not support his authenticity so much as it demonstrates both a great thirst in the West for something vague and spiritual from the East and a great ignorance of all things Tibetan.
Dear Mr. Bob Carroll, I reply to all questions in your above mail as follows:
(1) I do not doubt that you and many others have found spiritual succor in the teachings of Mr. Hoskin who claimed to channel the words of a dead Tibetan lama.
Ans: It is not just Spiritual succor which I got there were real life true conscious experiences. The main reason why I was blessed I think was that I never doubted the Truth that Hoskin vacated the body and Lobsang Rampa a true high Lama lived the rest of his life in that body so I started with "FAITH" and reached the goal. In the west importance of 'Faith' is not understood. It is not blind belief as many westeners think it acts as a pre-equisit and just opens up a closed mind so that truth can enter.
(2) But I have two problems with your sage. Ans: He is not just my sage.
Ans. My experience and proof of his authenticity realised through my real experiences prompts me and any other such sincere seeker and follower that HE WAS A TRUE SAGE.
(3) I and many others have no interest in spiritual development, as we consider the realm of spirits to be delusional, fictional, and destructive. We believe that this life is the only life you get and that it is a waste of time to spend any of it fretting about an imaginary life after death.
Ans: That is fair enough. You and others have full right to any such views and beliefs. But my friend you can not change reality. So all those who do not believe in after life face a terrible time up there after death trying to accept the reality. John 11:25 - Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: John 5:24 - Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. Luke 23:43 - And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Matthew 10:28 - And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
(4) We consider ourselves fortunate to exist in such a grand universe and wish to know and understand as much of it as we can in the time we have here.
Ans: That is what we believe we also believe that the things which you can learn here (spiritual development) cannot learn up there so we accept words of real sages who knew both the worlds.
(5) Mr. Hoskin's accounts of Tibet are not accurate and that inaccuracy demonstrates that he didn't even try to be authentic.
Ans: Again something which is beyond your understanding that he had a very long life even more that 100 years. He lived before and during the 13th Dalai Lama's reign. Now have you met any other person from those times. Also only a person who was brought up and trained and lived in Tibet during that time can describe in detail the circumstances there. The present Dalai Lama or current generation of Tibet does not know that. Times and conditions change fast. Any wetener who just visited there or lived as an outsider would not know the truth. Again let me correct you It was not Hoskin but Lobsang Rampa who lived in that body for some time had described the scenario of past times in Tibet as an insider.
(6) The fact that he published 19 books does not support his authenticity so much as it demonstrates both a great thirst in the West for something vague and spiritual from the East and a great ignorance of all things Tibetan, true and false.
Ans: I humbly ask once again have you dear Mr Bob sincerely studyed all his books and practised what ever he instructed? If not then you are not in a position (based on logic or reason) to critisize mindlessly.
My regards. Have a nice time!
reply: I do not criticize mindlessly and I have offered no criticism of the specific teachings of Mr. Hoskins. I cannot believe that a dead person's spirit enters a living human and takes over to write books. The books may be very good; they may be enlightening to some people. I have no desire to read such books, especially those aimed at improving my spiritual development. I consider the spirit an illusion and its development a delusion about an illusion. I admit I have no Faith. I used to have faith and there was a time in my life when I would have accepted the quotes you mention from the Bible. There was also a time in my life when I had faith in the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda and would have spoken of him as you do of Lobsang Rampa. But that was long ago.