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reader comments: anti-vaccination movement
19 Feb 2015 (from "Sissy")
Is your page meant to contain false information? Just curious....cause honestly it's irresponsible and beyond irritating to read articles on topics of such importance, like vaccines, and have it be full of not only false but ignorant information! What's the point...[sic]
reply: Thank you for pointing out all the errors in my writings about vaccines. I will correct them as soon as I get the details from you.
Sissy replies: It should be illegal. You should be arrested. Spreading false information full of unbelievably false statistics!? What is the point...but keep up the good work! Haha
reply: I'm still waiting for the specifics, if you have any.
Sissy replies: would take 20 pages!? And I didn't write the crap! Like I said what's the point? You should seriously be ashamed of yourself! Ruining the internet one false statement at a time! And why waste my time you know what's false!? [sic]
reply: I'll make it easy for you. Which of the following claims is false and why?
- Vaccines do not cause autism.
- Vaccines prevent the spread of diseases.
- Receiving combination vaccines is as safe as spreading out the shots over a period of time.
- Receiving many vaccines in childhood does not cause harm that would be avoided by spreading out the shots over much longer time periods.
- Vaccines do not weaken the immune system.
- Preservatives and antibiotics added to vaccines are not in large enough doses to be toxic or harmful.
- You are not better off getting measles, mumps, or rubella than getting them.
- Even though vaccines are not 100% effective and often require booster shots, the health of our citizens benefits enormously from from high vaccination rates.
- It's better to get measles, mumps, or rubella than to be vaccinated even though you might end up deaf, paralyzed, or dead.
Sissy replies: Give me some a little while and I will gladly school you on the topic! With pleasure [sic]
Stay tuned.
26 Nov 2012
Apparently you haven't read the latest Government reports on the flue [sic] vaccine. It has been shown that the vaccine does not prevent the flue [sic] or ameliorate it's [sic] symptoms. The same percentage of those receiving the vaccine contracted the flue [sic], as those who didn't take the vaccine. They got just as sick, and had the same percentage of deaths from the flue [sic]. The government also concluded that many people became septic at the injection site. Taking a useless vaccine, whether it contains mercury or not is a waste of money. It just makes the drug companies rich. There has been much scientific evidence that mercury causes brain and nerve damage, despite the ADA and drug companies propaganda to the contrary. Mercury amalgam is banned in almost all countries other than the US. Vaccines containing mercury are also banned. You might want to read the research done in Europe, rather than depending on research paid for by the ADA, and US drug companies.
C D White
reply: It is impossible to know exactly how many people die each year of influenza, but it is a near certainty that several thousand lives are lost each year in the U.S. alone because of the flu. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) explains what hinders getting an exact figure for flu-related deaths.
CDC estimates that from the 1976-1977 season to the 2006-2007 flu season, flu-associated deaths ranged from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people [each year]. Death certificate data and weekly influenza virus surveillance information was used to estimate how many flu-related deaths occurred among people whose underlying cause of death was listed as respiratory or circulatory disease on their death certificate.
The flu vaccine saves lives. There is no mercury in these vaccines, though the vaccines do contain small amounts of egg protein, so "if you have an egg allergy or sensitivity, you'll likely be able to receive a flu vaccine — but you might need to take special precautions, such as waiting in the doctor's office for at least 30 minutes after vaccination in case of a reaction."*
The flu vaccine is made differently each year. The experts make an educated guess as to which viruses are likely to be most active during the next flu season. So, the vaccine protects us only against the strains of flu the experts have selected. We know that the flu shot does not provide total protection against all flu viruses.
According to the Mayo Clinic, this year's flu shot "will offer protection against H1N1 flu (swine flu) virus, in addition to two other influenza viruses that are expected to be in circulation this fall and winter."
The Mayo Clinic also reminds us: "Influenza is a respiratory infection that can cause serious complications, particularly to young children and to older adults." That is why the flu shot is recommended especially for children over 6 months old; the elderly; people with asthma, diabetes, and chronic lung disease; and pregnant women. Most flu-related deaths occur in people over 65.
Sepsis is caused by a bacterial infection and could only be caused by a flu shot if the needle or the vaccine was contaminated. Some people, after getting a flu shot, complain of soreness, fever, and aches. These symptoms are not symptoms of the flu caused by the vaccine, since the viruses used in the vaccine are dead and inactive.
It is possible that the flu virus a person comes in contact with during flu season is not one of those the experts chose for inclusion that year. So, even people who get the flu shot may get the flu and some of them may die from flu-related causes.
So, why get a flu shot if it isn't an absolute guarantee against getting the flu? If you're over 65 (as I am) and you don't get the vaccine, you become vulnerable to all flu viruses, including the ones the experts have chosen to protect against this year. If one of the chosen strains is virulent and you contract the flu, you might end up in the hospital or the morgue. True, you might end up in the hospital or the morgue if the strain you contract is virulent and hasn't been chosen by the experts for this year's vaccine. If I don't get vaccinated, I have no protection against any flu viruses. If I do get vaccinated, there is a chance I'll be protected against viruses that are active this season. I'd rather have some chance of protection than a guarantee of no protection. If I didn't get a flu shot and got a flu that I would have been protected against, I might pass on that virus to an infant, another elderly person, or someone who is asthmatic or diabetic. The consequences might be devastating. I can protect against that possibility by getting the vaccine and I do so with very little risk to my own health. I'm not going to get poisoned by mercury. The chances of my being inoculated with a bacteria-laden needle are neglible. I've never been sore, achy, or suffered swelling from a flu vaccine before. I have little to fear and much peace of mind to gain by getting the shot.
By the way, my health-care provider is Kaiser Permanente and I am never charged for the flu vaccine.
addendum: A reader wrote to correct a couple of things. The multi-dose flu vaccines contain thimerosal. In my posts on autism and thimerosal (written before thimerosal was removed from most vaccines due to unfounded fear that it might harm somebody somewhere somehow), Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s rant, autism/MMR scare timeline, and my review of The Panic Virus I wrote :
Thimerosal is metabolized in humans to ethylmercury, not methymercury....
.... Methyl mercury is absorbed more quickly and retained much longer than ethyl mercury, and is thus significantly more dangerous.....
....The media and the general public made little effort to distinguish between methylmercury and ethylmercury. Mercury is mercury. Right; and both sodium and chlorine can kill you, but sodium chloride is table salt and non-lethal in small doses. The comparisons between the effects of mercury poisoning and autism were contrived and superficial....
Elemental and inorganic mercury salts can be transformed into organic mercury by the bacteria in the bottom mud in water bodies. Unlike elemental mercury, organic mercury (often referred to as "methylmercury") can be readily absorbed in humans. The most likely source of methylmercury is eating contaminated fish. Human exposure to methylmercury can result in long-lasting health effects, especially on fetal development during pregnancy. In addition, mercury poisoning has been linked to nervous system, kidney and liver damage and impaired childhood development. Nervous system disorders include impaired vision, speech, hearing and coordination....
....Thimerosal has been used since the 1930s.... One would think that if thimerosal were so harmful, we might have detected it before now. It is used in vaccinations as a preservative to prevent contamination by microbes. "The amount of mercury a typical child under two years receives from vaccinations equates to 237.5 micrograms...." For comparison, consider that a "6-ounce can of tuna fish contains an average of 17 micrograms of mercury." The daily mercury uptake from amalgam fillings is estimated to be about 3 micrograms. (A microgram is one millionth of a gram. There are about 28 grams in an ounce.) "With the newly formulated vaccines, the maximum cumulative exposure during the first six months of life will now total to no more than 3 micrograms of mercury." This small amount is most probably harmless in itself....
For more on thimerosal see the CDC article on Seasonal Influenza.
The reader also informed me that the nasal spray version of the flu "shot" does contain the live virus. Again, see the CDC for more info.
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