From Abracadabra to Zombies
reader comments: Dragan Dabic (Radovan Karadžić)
4 Sept 2009
I stumbled across your entry for Dr. Dragan Dabic (D. D. David)
while surfing through your site for fun.
Felt like I was slapped in the face...a little stunned and dumbfounded still as I write.
I've spent a significant amount of time in Serbia, Bosnia, and Croatia, and have dear friends particularly in Sarajevo. I've also researched the former Yugoslavia and the Bosnian War at length and am working on a project for survivors in Bosnia.
PLEASE correct your entry for the so called alias of Radovan Karadžić, Dr. Dragan Dabic (D. D. David).
Karadžić was the mastermind and leader of SRPSKA, The Bosnian War, The Siege of Sarajevo, and large scale genocide.
reply: I do note in the entry that "Dabic's real name is Radovan Karadžić, a fugitive wanted for genocide, including the massacre at Srebrenica and the siege of Sarajevo. Karadžić was arrested in Belgrade on July 21, 2008."
The importance of these facts far outweigh his assumed aliases and said aliases claims. I can only compare him to say, Hitler.
PLEASE re -write the title entry and the first paragraph to state the facts of his being the President of SRPSKA, an International Fugitive, and on Trial for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. The rest of your content is your own business.
It's an injustice and an insult for all that suffered at his hands for all humanity in this regard.
And I'd appreciate if you would add to the title entry: Dr. Dragan Dabic (D. D. David), Radovan Karadžić.
Tensions are very high in Sarajevo now. SRPSKA have stated their intentions of finishing the genocide and ethnic cleansing Karadžić began. The only reason this faction (operating inside Sarajevo as well as through-out Bosnia) stopped the killing was because of serious NATO and UN intervention in the form of imminent and explicit threats to bomb their forces immediately.
Karadžić is hailed as a hero to many Serb Nationalists. Said Nationalists would be the intellectual and emotional equal to Neo-Nazis or Klans Men.
For quick reference, read this excerpt from Wikipedia. However I recommend further reading on the subject.
Radovan Karadžić; born June 19, 1945(1945-06-19) in Petnjica, SR Montenegro, SFR Yugoslavia) is a former Bosnian Serb politician, poet and psychiatrist. He is currently on trial in the United Nations Detention Unit of Scheveningen accused of war crimes committed against Bosnian Muslims, Bosnian Croats, and other non-Serbs during the Siege of Sarajevo. He is also accused of the Srebrenica genocide. Educated as a psychiatrist, he co-founded the Serbian Democratic Party in Bosnia and Herzegovina and was the first President of Republika Srpska from 1992 to 1996.
Thank you kindly.
name withheld by request
reply: Did you finish reading the entry? Here is a quote from it:
Dabic's real name is Radovan Karadžić, a fugitive wanted for genocide, including the massacre at Srebrenica and the siege of Sarajevo. Karadžić was arrested in Belgrade on July 21, 2008.
the writer's reply:
I did, but my point is that these facts should be quoted in the first paragraph.
reply: Why? This isn't an article about the crimes of Radovan Karadžić, but about the foolishness of beliefs in energy healers and the incompetence of those searching for Karadžić.
It baffles me that you think Karadžić's alias as Dr. Dabic and that alias's claims are more interesting or merit more exposure than the fact that this man is a maniacal, homicidal monster.
reply: It baffles me that you think it follows from the fact that I have an entry on Karadžić's alias that I think exposing him as a maniacal, homicidal monster has less merit than reporting on what the man did to evade capture. He's already been exposed as a fugitive wanted for genocide and massacres, a fact I note in my article.
Surely you understand my point. I don't believe for a second that you don't.
reply: Your point, I think, is that you want me to write an article about the horrors brought about by Karadžić and how "SRPSKA have stated their intentions of finishing the genocide and ethnic cleansing Karadžić began." Surely you understand my point. My website is not designed to research or expose political crimes, but in the case of Karadžić's fake identity it was obviously necessary to remind the reader of who he is. Most of my readers understand that someone is considered a horrible person when he is described as a fugitive wanted for genocide, including the massacre at Srebrenica and the siege of Sarajevo.
Use my constructive criticism positively and do the right thing. Otherwise, your entry is a self-serving, apathetic ball of hot air. Don't be so cynical as to ignore large scale genocide and crimes against humanity.
I suggest you do your homework on this may not be up on current events.....but this is kind of a BIG DEAL.
Scrap it or correct it.
reply: Just because I won't rewrite my article to satisfy your perception of what my website should be about and how I should present material does not mean that I am not attending to your criticism. Consider me cynical if you will, but by allowing you a platform to put forth your views I think I've done more than I am obliged to do.
For what it is worth, one of my heroes is Vedran Smajlović. Perhaps what I write about is apathetic hot air, as you say, and maybe my work would have more merit if it were devoted to raising political awareness about Sarajevo, and slavery in Africa, writing songs about Smajlović (like Tommy Sands did), or composing essays about the other injustices and genocides going on today. For the time being, however, I will leave such writing to those like yourself.
Dragan Dabic (Radovan